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Accreditation & Certification


11:59 pm

Event Type

cpd25 Teaching & Learning Series – Accreditation & Certification
7th July 2005
SOAS Main building room 116

Alison Robinson and Phil Price will lead the cpd25 workshop “Accreditation & Certification???, discussing the Higher Education Academy’s role in accrediting staff development programmes and activities in teaching and learning for Higher Education Institutions.

The Academy is currently developing a refreshed framework for standards on behalf of the Higher Education sector which, through the accreditation of programmes and other routes lead to Registered Practitioner (RP) status and Registered Associate Practitioners (RAP) status. The Academy will shortly be piloting accreditation of CPD arrangements in HEIs as a route to RP and RAP status and as a way of maintaining good standing with the Academy. The Academy defines the criteria for people seeking to join the register and provides services once they have been registered.

By the end of the session participants will have considered a range of accreditation and professional development issues, and reviewed their own practice in relation to the Academy’s criteria.

– Phil Price is a Senior Advisor at the Higher Education Academy, supporting teams of peer accreditors on visits to HEIs and is contributing to the standards development work for the HE sector. In addition he has a role with the DfES Standards unit involved in teacher education frameworks in the post-16 sector.

– Alison Robinson is Head of Registration Services and Professional Recognition at the Higher Education Academy, responsible for practitioner support, registration processes and academy-related professional recognition. In addition she is involved with the National Teaching Fellowship Symposium and policy and strategy development within the organisation as a whole. Her particular interests include disability and equality, Wales and Centres for Excellence in Teaching and Learning.

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