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Assistive Technology


1:00 pm

Event Type

Making libraries more accessible: Assistive Technology

Room G3 (Ground Floor) New Hunt’s House, Guy’s Campus, Kings College, London Bridge


• To provide a forum of discussion on disability and technology.
• To provide information of JISC’s TechDis Service.
• To investigate the copyright implications of certain technologies.
• To provide case studies of good practice (ARACU at Oxford, Southampton).

• Sal Cooke, Head of JISC TechDis Service: “All the things you did not know about the JISC TechDis Service including links to the recently launched JISC work on Libraries of the Future”

• Linda Robertson, Assistive Technology Officer, University of Southampton “Reading the Small Print – Disability, difference and copyright.”

• Ruth Harris, Disability Librarian at Oxford University:
“Oxford, ARACU and assistive technology: Accessible Dreaming Spires”

Cost: £15 for cpd25 institutions, £30 for non-members.
To book please email the administrator, or complete the online booking form

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