Data Skills and Statistics for Librarians [Event Ref. No. TG3/DATA]
Twitter – #cpd25DATA
Join Claire Creaser from LISU at Loughborough for a day concentrating on gaining a better understanding of statistics and survey data. Claire will be presenting some statistical concepts which could be practical for your workplace as well as offering a hands on session to look specifically at SCONUL statistics. This course will offer advice on how to analyse library statistics and present them to support business cases.
**All delegates will be required to use the SCONUL statistics website in the latter part of the day, so please bring your log in details**
1015-1045 – Registration and Refreshments
1045-1125 – Statistics for the faint hearted
A lay introduction to statistical terms and concepts
1125-1155 – Evidence for management
Uses of performance indicators
1155-1215 – Data presentation
Various graphical forms and when they are appropriate
1215-1300 – Statistics in making a business case
Theoretical exercise
1300-1345 – Lunch
1345-1430 – Surveys and samples
An outline of basic sampling methods, and the key statistical tools for analysing survey data
1430-1500 – Statistical benchmarking
Key concepts
1500-1530 – SCONUL statistics and the reporting tool
1530-1600 – Using the reporting tool for benchmarking
Practical exercise – Participants will need to bring their personal login details for the SCONUL web site
1600 – Close
ED2.01, Cass School of Education and Communities Building (AM workshops)
SL2.05, Stratford Library (PM workshops)
University of East London Stratford Campus, Water Lane, E15 4LZ
£100 for members and £150 for other institutions.
Cancellations less than one week before the event will be charged a 50% cancellation fee. In the event of a ‘no-show’ on the day, the full fee will be charged.
To book a place please use our online booking form or email the administrator via