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Freedom of Information Day


11:59 pm

Event Type

CPD25 Data Protection and Freedom of Information Day
10th December 2004
Senate House Library

The Freedom of Information Act comes into force on the 1st January 2005. What will this new legislation mean for our library services? How will we balance Data Protection legislation with the new requirements? This one day seminar is intended to explore the issues around these two pieces of legislation. The day aims to promote interactive discussion from the audience to encourage exchange of experience and ideas.

The event is aimed at those who have an interest in the application of the legislation in their role.

CPD25 is pleased to have Andrew Charlesworth, Director – Centre for IT and Law at the University of Bristol leading the day.


0930 – 1000 Registration – Tea/Coffee

1000 – 1045 Session 1 – Overview of the Data Protection Act 1998

This session will provide:
# an examination of the key data protection concepts;
# an explanation of the main terms/definitions;
# a summary of relevant provisions;
# a discussion of the Data Protection Principles
# commentary on recent data protection caselaw and events.

1045 – 1100 Questions and Discussion

1115 – 1230 Session 2 – Data Protection Issues in FE/HE

This session will examine the following Data Protection issues:
# legitimate collection and use of personal data
# permissible transfers of personal data to 3rd parties
# effective security of personal data
# writing and receiving confidential references
# data protection and ICTs (esp. VLEs/MLEs)

1230 – 12.45 Questions and Discussion

12.45 – 13.30 Lunch

1330-1415 Session 3 – Overview of the Freedom of Information Act 2000

This session will provide:
# an examination of the key FOI concepts
# an explanation of the main terms/definitions;
# a summary of relevant provisions
# a discussion of the relationship between FOI and DP
# commentary on likely developments post January 2005

1415 – 14.30 Questions and Discussion

1430 – 1445 Break – Tea/Coffee

1445 – 1545 Session 4 – Freedom of Information Issues in FE/HE

This session will examine the following FOI issues:
# publication schemes and records management
# handling information requests
# confidentiality and commercial agreements

Questions and Discussion

1600 End of Seminar

Manuscript Seminar Room
Senate House Library
University of London
Malet Street

Cost is £100 for CPD25 members, £150 for M25 affiliate members and £190 for other institutions, including refreshments

Please note that there are 15 places available for this event, which will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. Bookings will close on the 3rd December 2004 and any cancellations after that date will incur a 50% cancellation fee. In the event of a “no show??? on the day 100% cancellation charges will apply.

Booking form for M25 Members   Booking form for non-Members