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Helping International Students in the Library


5:15 pm

Event Type

[B]cpd25 – Helping International Students in the Library, Tuesday, 4 July 2006

Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists, 27 Sussex Place, Regent’s Park[/B]


A one-day event to discuss the problems which international students face when arriving at higher education institutions in the UK, and in particular the difficulties they face in making best use of library resources and services.

– To identify areas which cause problems for international students
– To understand the different cultural and educational backgrounds of international students and how these affect their use of libraries
– To discuss ways in which libraries can assist international students

Helping International Students in the Library

Date: Tuesday, 4 July 2006

Venue: Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists, 27 Sussex Place, Regent’s Park

Maximum: 50

A one-day event to discuss the problems which international students face when arriving at higher education institutions in the UK, and in particular the difficulties they face in making best use of library resources and services.

To identify areas which cause problems for international students
To understand the different cultural and educational backgrounds of international students and how these affect their use of libraries
To discuss ways in which libraries can assist international students


9.30 am Coffee and registration

9.45 am Welcome and introduction
Kathy Paterson, Reading University Library

9.50 am International students in UK higher education institutions
Alison Barty, Senior Student Counsellor, SOAS

10.50 am Coffee

11.05 am Alison Barty (continued)

11.45 am Chinese students in the UK
Dr. Daguo Li, China Liaison Officer, National Centre for Language and Literacy, University of Reading

12.30 pm Lunch

1.15 pm South Asian students in the UK
Mahmud Khan and Fahd Huda, Postgraduate Students, University of
Hertfordshire Business School

1.45 pm Middle Eastern students in the UK
Andy Seymour, Director, In-Sessional English Support Programme, University of Reading

2.25 pm African students in the UK
Babatunde Ajala, Postgraduate Student, Reading University Business School

3.00 pm Break out sessions – scenarios
In small groups, look at different scenarios involving international students in libraries and suggest good practice to help them.

3.30 pm Tea

3.45 pm Learning and Information Services Support for International Students
Helen Singer, University of Hertfordshire Learning & Information Services

4.20 pm Discussion about scenarios
An opportunity to bring together for discussion all the suggestions made in the small groups.

5.15 pm Finish

Booking Information:
Cost is £55 for cpd25 members and £75 for other institutions, including lunch and refreshments.

Please note that there are limited places available for this event. Cancellations less than one week before the event will be charged a 50% cancellation fee. In the event of a ‘no-show’ on the day, the full fee will be charged.

Please book online at, or contact Dave Puplett:

Booking form for M25 Members   Booking form for non-Members