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M25 Consortium of Academic Libraries 2014 Annual Conference


9:30 am - 4:30 pm


BMA House
Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 9JZ

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The M25 Consortium is happy to announce the 2014 Annual Conference “In It Together: Responding to National Initiatives

Date: Tuesday 29th April 2014
Time:  9:30am to 4:30pm

The conference programme is available to download

Coffee and registration will be from 9:30am and the conference will commence at 10:30am.

The M25 AGM (for member representatives only) will take place during the conference registration period from 9.45am to 10.15am.

                         Cost:            £80 for members

                        £130 for other institutions

                        Please note: there is one FREE place per M25 member                                          institution (for the Director or nominated M25 representative).

Cancellations less than one week before the event will be charged a 50% cancellation fee. In the event of a ‘no-show’ on the day, the full fee will be charged.

Speakers confirmed for the conference:

Speaker: Professor Geoff Petts, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Westminster
Presentation title: ‘London is our Campus’: Building collaborations to gain competitive advantage’

Speaker: Janet Peters, Director of Libraries and University Librarian, Cardiff University
Presentation title: Partners in Knowledge: a conspirator’s guide to collaboration in Wales’

Speaker: Chris Banks, Director of Library Services, Imperial College London
Presentation title:  Better together?’: SCURL and HE library collaboration in Scotland

Speaker: Simon Walker, Head of Educational Development, University of Greenwich
Presentation title:  Learning Design in an Open and Connected World

Speaker: Chris Hale, Deputy Director of Policy, Universities UK
Presentation title: Post-Finch: Universities UK’s role

Speaker: Monique Ritchie, Research Librarian and Copyright Officer, Brunel University
Presentation title: Let’s tackle it together: recent changes in copyright and intellectual property and what they mean for the academic library

Speaker: Nicky Whitsed, Director of Library Services, Open University
Presentation title: “Flirting with FutureLearn – early dalliances for libraries and MOOCs”

We are now taking bookings for this event, please contact us on or call on 02078636079 to book your place.  Please include your name, job title, invoice address, purchase order and whether you have any special dietary requirements.


Make sure to check back with this page as the programme and further details will follow as we approach the 29th April.

Follow us on Twitter to keep in touch and hear about the Consortium’s latest news, events and updates!

If you are attending the event, feel free to tag us with #2014M25 on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Foursquare, so we can share in your experience and hear what you think of the conference.

Click here to view our event poster: M25 2014 Conference Invitation

This event is being sponsored by 3M, OCLC, Swets, EBSCO, Capita and Reassurance Security Services.

Booking form for M25 Members   Booking form for non-Members