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Middle Managers – Session 1: Strategic Leadership & Planning – Susan Chadwick


11:59 pm

Event Type

The Management Development Programme

CPD25 have developed a new innovative 3 day Management Programme spread over 6 months. We have commissioned some exciting new trainers and developed what we hope is a cohesive programme for senior and middle managers.

Oct 18th – Strategic Leadership & Planning (1 day) – Susan Chadwick Jan 24th – Communicating & Change (1 day) – Caroline Black March 23rd – The Tool Kit of Coaching skills (1 day) – Janie Wilson Strategic Leadership 13
Planning Communication Coaching Change This course can be booked as intended as the whole 3 days or as single events if people feel they have already covered elements of the training. ———————————-

Cost for the whole series: £200 for cpd25 members, £250 for M25 affiliate members and £300 for other institutions, including refreshments. Cost of each event is: £80 for cpd25 members, £100 for M25 affiliate members and £120 for other institutions. Please note that there are limited places available for this event.

Cancellations less than one week before the event will be charged a 50% cancellation fee. In the event of a ‘no-show’ on the day, the full fee will be charged. Please book online at Or fill in the form below and send to Dave Puplett:
Your Name:
Email address:
Phone No:
Special requirements (diet, access etc):
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Strategic Leadership & Planning Who should attend Senior and middle managers in leadership roles What will you learn? Understanding strategic leadership and how to develop effective skills. Giving direction through planning.

Content • Differences between ‘leadership’ and ‘management’
• What distinguishes the effective strategic leader
• The challenges of leadership within HE
• Styles of leadership – balancing conflicting demands; choosing the most appropriate style
• Having a vision and giving direction
• Planning to give direction
• Approach to short, long-term and ‘whole picture’ planning

Date 18th October 2005 Event duration 9.30am to 5.00pm Venue Presenter Susan Chadwick, Developing People At Work Limited Communication & Change Who should attend Senior and middle managers What will you learn? Understanding the importance of communications for leaders, particularly in times of change, and developing personal and professional communications skills Content
• Communications skills and leadership – communicating the vision, getting the work done
• The importance of communications during times of change
o Understanding change – The Change Curve
o Key factors enabling successful change management
o Challenges faced with change
o Managing the communications process
• Interpersonal communications for leaders

Date 24th January 2006 Event duration 9.30am to 5.00pm Venue Presenter Caroline Black, Caroline Black & Associates The Tool Kit of Coaching Skills Who should attend Senior and middle managers in leadership roles
• Definitions and a framework for coaching
• Role of the coach and the coaching relationship
• Key skills including listening questioning and feedback
• Coaching skills practice
• Action planning Date 23rd March 2006

Event duration 9.30am to 5.00pm Venue Presenter Janie Wilson – Passport

Booking form for M25 Members   Booking form for non-Members