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Staff Development Officers’ Discussion Forum 2


4:15 pm

Event Type

Staff Development Officers Discussion Forum II:
Staff development – what does the future hold?

Monday 1st June 2009: 1.00pm – 4.15pm
LSE Library, 10 Portugal Street
Mary Nixon (Librarian, Goldsmiths’ College, University London and Chair of CPD25);
Nick Bevan (Director of Library Services, Brunel University and Chair of the M25 Consortium of Academic Libraries)

CPD25 is pleased to offer an afternoon discussion forum on the future of staff development activity on Monday 1st June 2009. The event will begin with lunch and will be followed by two presentations from the speakers which will outline their thoughts on the topic. We are fortunate to have two of the most senior figures from within the M25 consortium to share their views with us on a topic which is certain to concern all of us in the coming months and years.

The aim of the afternoon is to explore the future of staff development priorities within the broader context of the rapidly changing HE library environment. Questions that will be addressed include:
• The need for libraries to be more outward looking;
• Trying to predict what the future of the profession might look like;
• What might that mean for staff development programmes and activities.

This afternoon seminar will benefit staff development officers and other staff who are involved with programming staff training.


1.00 – 2.00 Arrival, registration and buffet lunch

2.00 – 2.05 Welcome and introduction
(Antony Loveland, Head of Library Services, Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London)

2.05 – 2.25 Nick Bevan

2.25 – 2.45 Mary Nixon, “Preparing staff for jobs that don’t exist”

2.45 – 3.00 Questions

3.00 – 3.15 Tea

3.15 – 4.00 Breakout discussion session

4.00 – 4.15 Feedback session

4.15 Close

The event will take place at LSE Library, 10 Portugal Street, London. WC2A 2HD

The cost to attend the event is £30 for cpd25 members, and £45 for external delegates, including a buffet lunch and refreshments.

Please note that places on this course are limited. For booking please fill in our online booking form at:,com_philaform/Itemid,98/form_id,2/

Alternatively, email us directly via

Booking form for M25 Members   Booking form for non-Members