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Staff Development Officers Forum II [Event Ref. No. TG1/SDO2]


4:30 pm

Event Type

Cpd25 is pleased to offer an event on June 28th on how organisations can maximise value for money from investment in staff development.

The event will look at the recent experiences of two institutions from within the M25 consortium and offer an opportunity for delegates to reflect on their own organisations and discuss good practice.

Is money enough? Rosemary Lynch, University Librarian and Head of Library and Learning Services and Sara Jackson, Learning and Development Manager, University for the Creative Arts will talk about what influences staff development budget allocations at UCA and the thinking, systems and processes they use to achieve the best value for money.

Sally Faith, Head of Library Planning and Administration at the University of Sussex Library will talk about the system they have devised at Sussex which captures data relating to staff development activity.

1300: Lunch
1400: Welcome and Rosemary Lynch/Sara Jackson
1430: Sally Faith
1500: Refreshments
1515: Discussion
1600: Feedback and summarising
1630: Close.

The presentations will be followed by an exercise. Delegates will be asked to consider the following question:

If you were asked how you might extract better value for money from your institution’s staff development programme, what would you do?

Venue: The Hardy Room at the London Mathematical Society, 57-58 Russell Square, London WC1B 4HS; Website:

Please note that there are limited places available for this event.

To book a place please use our online booking form or email the administrator via

Cost: £55 for cpd25 members and £70 for other institutions.

Cancellations less than one week before the event will be charged a 50% cancellation fee. In the event of a ‘no-show’ on the day, the full fee will be charged.

Booking form for M25 Members   Booking form for non-Members