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Technology Giveth and the Law Taketh Away (or makes extremely difficult): Copyright & Licensing Session [Event Ref. No. TG2/COPY]


4:45 pm

Event Type

Libraries and information centres eagerly embrace new and innovative technologies, increasingly using them to provide information, teaching and learning resources to students, whether they are studying on or off campus, in the UK, overseas or with our collaborative partners. However, the law and licensing bodies have been slow to adapt to technological advancement resulting in confusion and a search for potentially expensive solutions.

Kate Vasili (Copyright Officer) will introduce the session, and provide an insight into how she is adapting the support she provides at Middlesex University, so she can continue to assist students and academic staff with their copyright needs.

Sue Hurley (Electronic Resources Manager) will elaborate on Middlesex University’s ongoing work to clarify the issue of who is entitled to access the electronic resources that MDX buys, both domestically and overseas.

In doing so, Sue will look at the following questions:
• Who is a “valid” user?
• Are all students on collaborative programmes entitled to access electronic resources? If not can we provide access at an extra cost?
• Who pays, and how might this feed into future collaborative agreements?
• Does having one or more overseas campus affect pricing and or licensing terms?

We are privileged to have Professor Charles Oppenheim providing expert advice on identifying, avoiding and managing risks in Web 2.0 applications. These include Blogs, wikis, YouTube, podcasts, Slideshare, Flickr, Connotea, Facebook, Second Life and Twitter which present various potential legal problems.

The most common issues arising are:
Data protection and privacy, defamation, copyright, database right, moral rights, performers rights, pornography and other illegal materials, accessibility, conflicting international laws, liability of the hosting organisation.

Outline Programme:

1.30: Registration with tea, coffee & biscuits

1.45: Kate Vasili, Copyright Officer, Middlesex University

2.30: Sue Hurley, Electronic Resources Manager, Middlesex University

3.15: Short break

3.30: Professor Charles Oppenheim BSc PhD DSc DipInfSc CertEd HonFCLIP FCLIP FRSA AUMIST Emeritus Professor and former Head of the Department of Information Science, Loughborough University

4.30: Plenary question time

4.45: Close.

Venue: The Hardy Room at the London Mathematical Society, Russell Square; Website:

Please note that there are limited places available for this event.

To book a place please use our online booking form or email the administrator via

Cost: £35 for cpd25 members and £50 for other institutions.

Cancellations less than one week before the event will be charged a 50% cancellation fee. In the event of a ‘no-show’ on the day, the full fee will be charged.

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