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Understanding Mentoring: How to tap into the wealth of skill & knowledge in your organisation [Event Ref. No. TG4/MTR]


10:00 am - 4:00 pm


Park Crescent Conference Centre
229 Great Portland Street, London, W1W 5PN

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Mentoring makes use of the huge amount of knowledge and skill that we all have within our own organisations at every level, it can involve as many members of staff as you want. It offers an inclusive solution to many staff development requirements and provides value to both mentor and mentee. At a time when Library staff development budgets are seeing real time reductions, but the needs of staff remain ever pressing, mentoring offers a real alternative means of meeting those needs.

Through a mixture of fascinating case studies, informed training and opportunities to work through sample exercises, this day will provide attendees with an understanding of the mechanics of mentoring and offers ideas so to how it could work for you.

Primarily aimed at those staff development co-ordinators and line managers, this course would also be of interest to individuals who would just like to better understand the principles of mentoring and to determine whether it is likely to be a suitable solution.

 10:00     Tea/Coffee/Registration

10:30     Introduction: Sally Faith, University of Sussex Library

10:35     Cecilia Cabodi, Sussex Police

Cecilia, who was responsible for introducing the highly popular and successful mentoring programme at Sussex Police, will talk about her experiences in establishing the programme and her responsibilities for its continued co-ordination. Cecilia’s knowledge, commitment and interest in this area is obvious to all who hear her speak and we are delighted that she is able to join us for the whole day to share her experiences and offer advice and guidance.

11: 15    Coffee

11:30     Introduction to mentoring: Lead by Cecilia Cabodi and Sally Faith

— What is mentoring
— Understanding the core principles – The Push/Pull model, Transactional analysis, The Grow Model
— Tips for a successful mentoring relationship
— Co-ordinating a mentor programme

13:00     Lunch

13.45    Penny Jennings, The British Library

Penny, who is Talent Manager at the British Library will talk about the challenges and successes in setting up a mentoring scheme. She will cover all aspects, including an explanation of the paperwork and the actual process. Penny’s hard work, expertise, and understanding is very much valued and has helped to develop and support knowledge sharing in the institution.

14:35     Break Out Session (With input and advice from Cecilia & Penny)

Opportunity for attendees to work through some model scenarios to get a better understanding of the mentor relationship and how to apply core principles such as:

— Benefits to the individual and the organisation;
— Who and how to ‘win over’ in organisation to get a scheme on board;
— Opportunities for cross organisation development in a scheme;
— How to deal with concerns about becoming a mentor;
— How to actually work those mentoring conversations.

14:45     Tea

15:00     Break Out Sessions (Continued)

15:45    Questions and closing comments

16:00     Finish.



Boardroom, Park Crescent Conference Centre at International Students House, 229 Great Portland Street, London, W1W 5PN

Please note that there are limited places available for this event.

To book a place please use our online booking form or email the administrator via



£75 for members and £112 for other institutions.


Cancellations less than one week before the event will be charged a 50% cancellation fee. In the event of a ‘no-show’ on the day, the full fee will be charged.

Booking form for M25 Members   Booking form for non-Members