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Visit: Open Day at Parliament for Librarians [Event Ref. No. TG4V/HC]


11:59 pm

Event Type

cpd25 is delighted to offer a rare opportunity to attend an Open Day at Parliament for librarians, organised by the House of Commons Library & Information Service. This full-day event will take place on Wednesday, 17th February 2010, from 9.30am to 4.30pm. The day will consist of a programme of talks and tours of the Parliament buildings.

The House of Commons Library & Information Service delivers a wide range of information, research and related services to members of parliament and the public. The library prepares a range of pre-prepared briefing material and online services to inform both parliamentary debate and those involved in it. These include detailed research papers on legislation and other topical issues, shorter standard notes on a wide range of current issues, and debate packs on current debates in the Chamber or Westminster Hall. It also provides responses to requests from individual members and their staff for information and briefing in connection with their parliamentary duties. The library takes a leading role in parliament-wide information management activities, notably the indexing of parliamentary material to facilitate access and reuse by others.

Places on this event for cpd25 are limited to FIVE only, and will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis. In view of the limited numbers, we can only allow one attendee per institution.

There is no charge for this event, but a small, returnable deposit may be required to cover the costs of lunch and refreshments.

To reserve a space please use our online booking form or email the administrator via

Booking form for M25 Members   Booking form for non-Members