Visit to the Society of Antiquaries Library [Event Ref. No. TG2V/SAL]
Founded in 1707 the Society of Antiquaries of London is one of several learned societies located in Burlington House. Prior to its move to Burlington House in 1875 the Society occupied rooms at Somerset House. The Society’s principal concern is the study and advancement of archaeology and associated disciplines related to the study of the past.
It owns one the largest antiquarian libraries in the country in the UK, with holdings of more than 130,000 books dating from the 15th century to the present day and over 600 current periodicals. The primary subjects covered are British and European archaeology, architectural history, the historic environment, British local history decorative arts (especially medieval) and heraldry. It also holds a manuscripts collection and the Society’s own archive, an outstanding collection historical prints and drawings of British topography and antiquities, and an Accredited museum collection of paintings and artefacts.
The Library is based at Burlington House, Piccadilly, London: [The Library catalogue:].
This visit is free of charge.
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Please note that there are limited places available for this visit.