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Wellbeing: Resources for Library Staff

The M25 Task & Finish Group on Wellbeing investigated the ways academic libraries can promote student wellbeing through their own activities and by working with other groups within the university. It was also looking at how libraries are supporting the wellbeing of their own staff.
The group was formed of seven volunteers from M25 member libraries and its work was divided into three strands: Collections, Services and Spaces, and Staff Wellbeing. The group formed in 2019 and completed its work in 2021.

The group developed a Wellbeing Blog to share their resources. We invite people to share case studies and examples of best practices with us to contribute to the blog. If you’re interested in guest blogging please contact 


An Introduction to Bibliotherapy
A comprehensive overview of the practice of bibliotherapy, including a list of resources and further reading.

Finding resources for a wellbeing collection: some things to consider when starting out 
A look at some of the key considerations when planning a wellbeing collection.

Reading Well: finding resources for a wellbeing collection
The Reading Well booklists curated by the Reading Agency can help you find books and resources for your collection.

Object-led wellbeing at Central Saint Martins
A discussion with the Head of the Museum and Study Collection at CSM, Judy Willcocks.
You can also hear Judy talk in more detail about object-led wellbeing in this video:

Interview with Liz Brewster
Liz Brewster, the Senior Lecturer in Medical Education at Lancaster University, talks about student wellbeing and bibliotherapy.

Services and spaces

24-hour library opening can support student wellbeing
A case study from Birkbeck, University of London. View the report in PDF here.

Promoting ‘belonging’ in library spaces
A case study from the University of Kent.

Staff wellbeing

Wellbeing guidelines and toolkit launched at QMUL
The library at Queen Mary University of London has created some guidelines and a toolkit for line managers to help promote the wellbeing of its staff.

Library staff wellbeing during the lockdown
A case study from Queen Mary University of London.

Some tips for improving staff wellbeing
Things that managers should think about when they consider staff wellbeing.

Wellbeing at LSBU: a case study
Staff and student wellbeing at London South Bank University

Further resources

How the University library is becoming the hub of mental health support

Four recent papers about academic libraries and wellbeing

Jisc and Emerge Education Report: Student and staff wellbeing

Student mental wellbeing in higher education: good practice guide (UUK report)

Not by degrees: improving student mental health in the UK’s universities (IPPR report)

#stepchange: Mental Health in Higher Education

Student Minds

There is more information about these and other resources on the group’s blog.

View the blog here.

In summer 2020 the Wellbeing Task and Finish Group prepared a poster updating members on their progress so far. You can view the poster here.

If you have any questions about these resources or you would like to share a case study from your institution please contact the group Chair, Pete Williams at